Imeren is a large nation in northern Aelari. It's capital, Imre, is located on an island northwest of the mainland.
Imeren was the second nation founded on Wintermoor, with it's first official establishment in -2 ERB, and only 12 days after Alan Nui was established. Immediately Imerenian citizens focused on progressing society by laying out a foundation for future growth and a comfortable living. A small scale economy was established, mostly out of necessity. As the nation expanded across the continent, it encountered Vasaturbs and the Asinican Republic, and underwent proper first contact procedures.
Land Claims[]
Colony | Capital | Population | AI Population | Inhabited (ERB) |
Wintermoor | Imre | 2,400,000,000 | 166,370,000 | -2 |
Averill | Overseer | 31,607,800 | 30,301,400 | 528 |
Eden | ~ | ~ | ~ | 793 |
Largest Cities[]
City | Planet | Population | AI Population | Metro Population |
Imre | Wintermoor | 48,200,000 | 17,000,500 | ~ |
Etem | Wintermoor | 23,000,000 | 6,000,300 | ~ |
Pikhi | Wintermoor | 41,000,000 | 22,010,000 | ~ |
Omm | Wintermoor | 32,000,000 | 8,000,170 | ~ |
Haitum | Wintermoor | 28,000,000 | 13,021,100 | ~ |
VuCoom | Wintermoor | 17,000,000 | 9,000,070 | ~ |
Athzor | Wintermoor | 35,000,000 | 13,000,200 | ~ |
Raptet | Wintermoor | 30,000,000 | 12,000,150 | ~ |
Urai | Wintermoor | 7,000,000 | 15,000,700 | ~ |
Qa | Wintermoor | 5,000,000 | 19,021,000 | ~ |
Overseer | Averill | 1,200,000 | 23,020,400 | ~ |
Guapr | Wintermoor | 1,100,000 | 21,335,000 | ~ |