Wintermoor Wikia

The Jeral-Asinican war was the largest open conflict to occur on Wintermoor before the arrival of the Segaruu. It's combatants, Jeral was defeated by the Asinican Republic after five years of fighting. There were multiple attacks by both sides, but none as devastating as the Asinican bombardment of the Jeralic capital city, Phoric in 289 ERB.


Ever since the two nations had first encountered each other, Jeral and the Asinican Republic held great distrust in each other. Reagan, at the time the capital city of the Asinican Republic, experienced many cyber attacks which leaked highly classified information which were traced to Jeral. Asinican flyovers over Phoric initially slowed the attacks, until a flyover in 283, when a Jeralic missile shot down two of the Asinican jets. The missiles design was very obviously influenced by Asinican design. The two jets which were downed crashed into two housing units below the flyover, killing 6 people, including the two pilots. A nearby aircraft carrier relayed the information to Reagan, and only 30 minutes after the attack, a formal declaration of war was issued against the Jeralic nation.

Phase 1[]

Jeral responded to the Asinican declaration of war by a massive cyber attack, shutting off power in numerous Asinican cities for hours. This included the air filters, which let -60 C air into these cities. Over 150 people died of hypothermia as a result. The cities power was restored eventually, but not until Asinican military cut the power to Phoric. In response, Reagan launched a naval fleet and led the largest naval invasion in Wintermoor history. Approximately 100 battleships, each with over 1000 soldiers embarked across the methane sea and as they arrived in Phoric, bombarded the outer defenses. One of the main entrances to the city was broken open and Asinican troops poured into Phoric, where a massive firefight broke out. Phoric, now evacuated, was then captured by the Asinican republic, who began torching major buildings and venting air. The fleet, unable to breach any other entrances, used Phoric as a local base. One month after the capture of Phoric, the main dome of the city exploded and collapsed on the soldiers, killing over 2,000 Asinican soldiers. The collapse was a planned attack, which led into phase 2 of the war.

Phase 2[]

Seeing the determination of a Jeralic populace, the Asinican Republic changed strategies and began a series of attempts to place rockets in orbit of Wintermoor. By the time the rockets were established, the war was beginning to escalate once more.