Lancara is a small island located in the Northern Sea on Wintermoor, independent of major nations on Wintermoor. While the nation itself has a population numbering at 257 million, only around 60,000 people live on Wintermoor, while the remaining 256,940,000 people live on Lancara's only colony, Meradia. Lancara is the last monarchy still in existence, although it is mostly ceremonial rather than a formal government.
Lancara was founded in -1 ERB, the 10th nation to arise on Wintermoor. Immediately, the nation found itself at the pinnacle of food production, mastering indoor farming, even in the harsh environment. Massive underground farms spanned for miles in each direction, producing excess food within the first year of establishment. Within a dozen years Lancara had already used up the entirety of the island. By this point the nation had a steady population of around 56,000 people, a small but thriving population. The nations population rose slowly to around 1,000,000 people, most living in massive underground facilities, before Meradia was established in 657. By this point, Lancara saw explosive population growth as people far and wide moved to Meradia. The population back at Wintermoor dropped to its present day population of around 60,000 people.
Lancara currently has one colony, Meradia. While the capital of the nation exists on Wintermoor, the vast majority of the nations populace lives on Meradia.
Lancara is divided into 12 Kindes, one on Wintermoor representing the capital region, and the remaining 11 on Meradia.