Minerva is a warm world located in the Irabian System. At one point, the world held a population of over 2.2 billion people, but due to ecological disasters and the destruction of the world in 745 by the Segaruu, the entirety of the population was either killed or relocated. It was decided that terraforming the world back into habitability would be prohibitively expensive and risky to attempt, and the world was left abandoned. Only the hardiest imported life survives on the world, and only one native species still exists.
Minerva was the second world in the Irabian System to be inhabited by humanity. Unlike Wintermoor, the world is rather warm, and in early settlement, possessed indigenous life of its own. It became a tropical world with an abundant food supply in much shorter time span than their counterparts in Wintermoor. Hundreds of city states were formed on the surface of the world by 100 ERB.
While Minerva has been completely abandoned, nearly 70 nations rose and fell on the world. Many nations eventually would emerge from the former Asinican colony on Halsey, emerging as a united nation built to serve as a modern day Minerva.
Nation | Class | Capital | Population |
Bevella | Constitutional Republic | Maden | 342,000,000 |
Bradoch | Authoritarian Dictatorship | Frelich | 72,000,000 (235) |
Cavenne | Monarchy | Guyve | 156,000,000 |
Mesit | Socialist State | Bovannye | 202,000,000 |
Naira | Parliamentary Republic | Fadsden | 83,000,000 |
Nillian Union | Meritocracy | Veyesse | 101,000,000 |
Tramidya | Socialist Democracy | Javvana | 145,000,000 |
Yarron | Meritocracy | Landon | 79,000,000 |
Zenith | Federal Republic | Voihan | 162,000,000 (722) |
* Population is listed as final census in each nation, which is 740 unless noted.
Minerva has a tropical climate, large bodies of formerly clean water, and abundance of unique life. After the fall of Bradoch, and seeing the environmental damage that had been wrought, land was set aside for conservation, and the Planetary Parks Service would eventually establish park on the planet in 382 ERB. With the worlds destruction in 730 after the Segaruu invasion, Many of the worlds indigenous life was killed off, or critically endangered. The world underwent a major ecological crisis as a result, and eventually, completely collapsed. Only small, highly resistant lifeforms exist on the world today, as the air is still too toxic for on to breathe and the soil too polluted.