Sunder is an interstellar nation based on Monsea in the 96 G. Piscium System. Unlike most other highly developed nations, Sunder was the only nation to develop alone, with no outer influences. This has resulted in Sunder being one of the most alien human civilizations remaining. It was discovered by the Asinican Republic during a colonization expedition. Contact was peaceful, and the two nations have established a formal alliance, with trade routes spreading across the Kelveros Cluster.
Following the complete collapse of Earth, tens of thousands of spacecraft destined for Mars launched, however a few instead went towards either the Irabian system, and about 12 launched towards the 96 G. Piscium System and settled on Monsea. Sunder was established in 3 ERB. Growth was slow, however by 132 ERB the people had established a footing on the world, steadily growing to about 30 million people.
Sunderian Revolution[]
In 623, the Sunderian Revolution broke out on the world, leaving over 23 million people dead out of the worlds 156 million population, the largest human conflict since World War 2 and until the Human-Segaruu War.
The nation was discovered by the Asinican Republic in 823, the first contact with humanity or another nation since the fall of the last nation state on the world in 122 ERB. In the time apart from other human civilizations, Sunder developed completely isolated, and developed new cultures, languages, ideologies, and societies, many seemingly alien in comparison to Wintermoorian and Solar cultures.